TSS #60 – Toxic People

This is a post about toxic people and toxicity in general, I guess. And to make this post less sad or personal or heavy, I’m also adding cat pictures into the mix – and I’m not adding any pictures of cats that I know and love but generic cat pictures from the wordpress library to make it less personal and more generic. I hope you enjoy these.

I’ve recently had to deal with someone whose friend I was for six years (or probably more at this point) and whose just company wasn’t doing any good for me at all. I didn’t know what to do about it. I always was hoping that it would get better eventually or I was making excuses as I don’t know what he’s going through, but that’s the point: After six+ years, I still don’t know a thing about this “friend” and I’ve never really had an actual conversation outside of video games and other interests with this person. And that’s weird. It’s scary to an extent. You think you “know” someone but you don’t at all. Everything you think you know about that person may be a lie. My girlfriend actually suggested that I cut ties with him and that that would probably do me more good and while I acted as if that’s something new, I actually knew that it’s something I’d have to do eventually.

Photo by Wojciech Kumpicki on Pexels.com

This guy would have no problems at all with judging others and cutting them off for the stupidest reasons, like getting into a girl’s pants, period. At the same time, everything that you’d do that wasn’t on his side got treated as “treason” and you’d essentially get guilt-tripped into thinking that you’re in the wrong, to the point where it fucks with your personality. He’s (probably) six years older than me. I say probably as I don’t know if he’s really 27 or if that’s a lie as well. After all, I don’t know if he actually has a job if he’s broke all the time or if he actually is studying right now if he seems to play games all day and know nothing about psychology or empathy or whatever. I was fourteen when I got to know him and he always thought of himself as someone who’s teaching me about all kinds of things when he really was just pushing his ego. And in hindsight, it really screwed with me to have a person like that around for that long at that age.

These 351 words here are probably wasted on him but since I kicked him off my discord, removed him from social media and just didn’t talk to him at all anymore and cut him off without a word to him or any other friends, I felt that I should maybe write about it. I should maybe talk about it. Just to get it off my mind. Alas, there’s this post here. This post where I talk about toxic people in my life and how I’m trying to deal with it.

Photo by Lina Kivaka on Pexels.com

I’ve had this teacher for nine years and he’d always blame me for all kinds of things even when I didn’t have anything to do with them. He would manipulate me and laugh about me and overall he was the biggest douche I know, to this day. The only reason for me to go to school was the fact that I was in that Drama club… but he would lead it and since everybody loved him and his fresh way of teaching, I couldn’t really speak up about it as I’d be the outsider who’s trying to be edgy and be against the mainstream (or something like that). I also didn’t want to get kicked out of the Drama club. So, I stayed in the club for nine years.

When I graduated, that teacher was basically patting himself on the back for those nine years where I have been an active member. That teacher was basically bragging in front of a whole gym hall full of people that he was the person that raised me to the person who I am now. And he’s not going to hear it from me now. After all, the only thing that is going to change if I talk to him about it or if I go public about it, is the way he’ll treat my younger siblings in class, giving them an even harder time and bad grades for no reasons. And when they graduate, it will already be too late for me to speak up about the disgusting human being that that teacher is – in my opinion. It won’t make a difference at all if I were to talk about the stuff he put me through. If he lost his job, he wouldn’t be able to feed his family at all. After all, he got married and has a child with one of his former students, and nobody wouldn’t want to destroy that, right?

Photo by Flickr on Pexels.com

So, what I’m trying to get at is: Fuck people. They suck. Most of them. I’ve met plenty of great people out there. The Blaugustans, my girlfriend, a ton of people who I met through twitch, and some other great friends: They are all great. I’m glad that I’m part of some of these communities and I know there’s plenty of other great people that I haven’t met in a while… but at the same, there are even more douchebags and jerks and hosers over there…

Recently I’ve talked to Roger from containsmoderateperil again and we had this discussion about how life is too short for a lot of things. He also found out that he’s older than my father, which apparently was not apparent… but either way…

Life’s just too short for all of those jerks and scumbags. Life’s too short to give a fuck about any of them. And life’s too short to keep any of them around or to be angry about them. I guess this post is pointless in a way. The person I recently cut ties with in my life didn’t even bother to reach out to me so that basically reaffirms to me that it was the right choice to make. Let’s just hope that he won’t cause trouble sooner or later. Same thing for that teacher or for a certain blogger who used to cause trouble but who just doesn’t care anymore.

Photo by Natalie on Pexels.com

Life’s too short, so just don’t get overagitated about that kind of thing, I guess. :c Uh, but that’s also bad advice and probably is not always the thing to do. Sometimes it’s just easier to ignore it… or you set the bar super low to never get disappointed! Or you just surround yourself with pleasant things in order to prevent yourself getting damaged or whatever.

So that’s it for today’s post. Have a nice one!


6 thoughts on “TSS #60 – Toxic People

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  1. Letting go of the toxic people in our lives is often the hardest thing in the world to do, but also the most necessary for our mental health. Great post.

    Liked by 1 person

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